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Knock-Knock: It’s Woods Theorem to Help With Generative AI Deployments

The world of artificial intelligence is both mesmerizing and full of hurdles. As we delve into its intricacies, understanding applicable theories is paramount.

That said, do you want to hear one in joke form? Knock, knock. Who’s there? Woods Theorem. Woods Theorem, who? Woods Theorem reminds us that just like not all knock-knock jokes have a perfect punchline, not all systems can fully capture every truth. This theorem can profoundly influence our grasp of mental models around systems thinking and the nuances of launching and training generative AI models.

Woods Theorem: An Introduction

Bad jokes aside, the theorem is based on the work of David Wood, an integrated systems and resilience engineer who was an advisor on the NASA Columbia accident. The theorem has found a home in those that research of complex technology systems such as that in found in the report produced by SNAFUcatchers, A consortium of industry leaders and researchers united in the common cause of understanding and coping with the immense levels of complexity involved in the operation of critical digital services, provides insights into ‘dark debt’ in complex systems. This parallels the unpredictable ‘dark debt’ in AI, where unseen interactions can emerge, just as they do in intricate IT infrastructures. Thus, our journey through AI is one of continuous discovery and adaptation, acknowledging that our mental models, like any complex system, are necessarily incomplete and ever-evolving.

To draw a parallel, consider the vast number of concepts, beliefs, and assumptions each individual carries in their mind. No matter how comprehensive our mental models are, there will always be elements of the world, experiences, or nuances that elude our understanding. Just as no formal system can fully encapsulate all truths, our mental constructs are, by necessity, incomplete.

Implications for Generative AI

Generative AI models, like OpenAI’s GPT series, aim to simulate human-like text generation based on vast amounts of data. These models are fundamentally shaped by the data they’re trained on, much like humans develop mental models through experiences. However, several issues arise when launching and training these models.

  1. Incomplete Training Data: Just as Wood’s Theorem highlights the inherent limitations in any formal system, no dataset is truly comprehensive. Training data inevitably comes with biases, gaps, and nuances that may not fully represent the depth and diversity of human experiences.
  2. Overfitting and Generalization: Training a model too closely to a specific dataset can lead to overfitting, where the model performs exceptionally well on the training data but fails to generalize to new, unseen data. The balance between detailed training and broad applicability is a constant challenge.
  3. Ethical Considerations: When generative AI models produce outputs that reflect biases or problematic views present in their training data, ethical concerns arise. Deciding what constitutes ‘appropriate’ training data or ‘correct’ outputs is a complex and ongoing debate.
  4. Complexity of Human Thought: Human mental models are shaped not only by factual data but also by emotions, cultural influences, personal experiences, and more. Simulating this depth in a machine remains a formidable challenge. Albeit, groups like OpenAI are doing significant work in the development and preparation for artificial general intelligence (AGI).

Training Challenges

  1. Feedback Loops: As users interact with AI models, their responses can influence future outputs. This feedback can reinforce certain patterns or biases, leading to a cycle where the AI’s behavior becomes increasingly skewed.
  2. Constant Evolution: The world is dynamic, and our understanding of it continually evolves. Ensuring that AI models stay updated and relevant requires ongoing training and adjustments.
  3. Limitations in Understanding Nuance: Generative AI can struggle with subtle nuances, humor, and context, leading to outputs that may seem tone-deaf or inappropriate. Training models to grasp these nuances is a significant challenge.

Concluding Thoughts

Woods Theorem, when viewed in the context of mental models around systems thinking, serves as a poignant reminder of the inherent limitations present in any system, be it the labyrinth of human cognition or the advanced frameworks of AI. Navigating the realm of generative AI is not simply about technical prowess; it encompasses a broader spectrum that requires understanding, respect, and the ability to anticipate challenges.

At Ampersand Consulting, we recognize the significance of these intricacies. Our approach is deeply rooted in examining mental models and employing a range of frameworks that ensures our clients are not only aware of the challenges outlined but are also equipped to tackle them head-on. In an ever-evolving digital landscape, partnering with experts who understand the interplay between human cognition, ethics, and technology becomes indispensable.

We invite you to collaborate with Ampersand Consulting. Together, we can ensure that your AI initiatives are both innovative and anchored in a deep understanding of the complexities and challenges at play.

Douglas is a seasoned Strategy, Analytics, and Technology leader with over eleven years of cross-functional experience in diverse industries such as online and post-secondary education, B2B SaaS, Insurtech, medical devices. He specializes in steering strategic initiatives encompassing data science, technology product management, process optimization, and AI-enablement.

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